Aimee – Regional Patient

When we launched the Just Because Foundation’s Home Away From Home on 2nd August 2007 – which would have been JB’s 6th birthday had he survived – it was our intention to provide short-term accommodation for children with cancer and their families from remote areas of Trinidad and Tobago.  The idea was born out of the need of a family residing in Pt. Fortin who also had a little boy diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma. Travelling from South to St. James every day for radiotherapy proved to be very challenging for this family. 

Our first family at the home was a little girl from Guyana and it was a very easy decision from that moment to open our arms, hearts and doors to the children of the Region who needed our services. All at no cost. During the last 11 years we have provided a place to stay for children from Antigua, St. Kitts, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Grenada and Guyana. 

Let me introduce you to Annette, one of our regional guests who came to Trinidad from the Spice Isle for her daughter to receive treatment. This is an amazing story of survival. This is Aimee’s story as told by her mother Annette.

“The year 2008 was the year my life was to change drastically, in retrospect I would say it was for the better. My daughter Aimee was then two years old, growing like a weed, meeting all her developmental milestones as expected. In the month of April of that year however, it was noticed by my mother who took care of my daughter during the day, that Aimee had suddenly changed from being a happy, jovial, energetic child, to being introverted and shy, not wanting to play with other children.

Then came the physical and physiological changes – not eating as she used to. She started to lose weight and complained of pain in her joints. This prompted us to take her to see a paediatrician and after many visits and numerous tests; a diagnosis of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) was made. And with this diagnosis we were advised to see a specialist (Rheumatologist) in Trinidad for further management, which we did.

Upon seeing the rheumatologist we received more devastating news. Based on his assessment, we were told that Aimee did not have JRA. Whatever it was appeared to be much more serious and needed urgent medical attention. We were taken by ambulance to the Port of Spain General Hospital then transferred to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex at Mt.Hope and that’s where everything mushroomed into a big mountain of woes and hardship.  It was one of the most difficult things I’ve faced in my life so far. After several tests the dreadful report was that my beautiful sweet daughter had cancer of the blood – Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).

The two most common types of childhood leukemia are:

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)  a cancer of the myeloid line of blood cells, characterized by the rapid growth of abnormal cells that build up in the bone marrow and blood and interfere with normal blood cells.

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) a cancer that affects the white blood cells. These cells fight infection and help protect the body against disease. Patients with ALL have too many immature white blood cells in their bone marrow. These cells crowd out normal white blood cells. Without enough normal white blood cells, the body has a harder time fighting infections.

I was shocked and in denial, the whole grief process took over me.  The doctor did not feel comfortable treating her in Trinidad and encouraged me to seek medical attention in the USA or England because, in his professional judgement, this type of Leukemia was very aggressive and the treatment would have wreaked havoc on Aimee’s already fragile body given the length of time she was ill. I made all efforts to get the assistance needed to seek medical treatment abroad but to no avail. The Almighty God had a plan to use the doctors in Trinidad and also for me to meet some wonderful people.

So after 3 months of being warded at the hospital, chemotherapy treatment commenced. It was very hard to see Aimee in so much pain and discomfort, but she was a little soldier. When asked today what she remembers from that time she would say she remembered the pain and begging for Morphine, but she also remembered me singing to her and reading her bible stories of “Daniel in the Lion’s Den” and “Jairus’ Daughter”.

It was indeed a difficult experience but it was humbling. I stayed at the hospital in Mt. Hope for 9 ½ months with Aimee for her treatment. We had up days and down days but all in all it was worth it, for today 10 years later I am proud and grateful to God and all the wonderful persons He placed in our lives during that time. As a direct result of that experience, when I returned home to Grenada I opted to enter the Medical profession and began a course in Nursing.

I must ascribe all praises, glory and honor to the Great creator for His grace and mercies upon us. I am also grateful to the Just Because Foundation for their holistic support to Aimee and I as we went through this ordeal, and to the many other persons all too numerous to mention, for all their love and support. I am passing it on for sure to each patient that needs encouragement, and I always remind Aimee of those days and the need to not be afraid or ashamed to share her story.”

Aimee is now thirteen (13) years old and also wants to be in the medical profession when she grows up, but not a medical doctor or nurse, she wants to be a veterinarian. Caring for and helping animals. But that’s not all, Aimee also is an avid fashionista and loves dancing and makeup.  Typical girly girl.  Aimee is one of our many miracles and our wish for her is continued good Health, Success and Happiness.

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