


One of the things we loved most about Nathan is that he was a true leader… Though just 12 years old he took charge of what was happening around and with him. He made sure everything was in order. 

He loved his sisters so much, protecting them and even scolding them if and when necessary.Nathanpt2

He was also a big brother to the patients on the ward who quickly became his buddies, playing games and watching movies together.

He organized a jab jab party, which was frightening but great . He would organize  pastels at Christmas time for aunty Chevaughn and made sure she had her very own bottle of Paramin seasoning….. Nicole your journey has lead you to be such a great support to the other parents and patients on the ward. Your strength and willingness to assist others during your time of trials is admirable.

Your ability to smile through the pain is because your trust and faith in God is unbreakable. He WILL continue to guide and comfort you. Nathan got his strength and courage from his parents Michael and Nicole and was loved by his sisters, all his aunties, uncles, cousins, neighbours and friends. Condolences from all of us at JBF, nurses, doctors, parents, patients and other hospital staff.

Love you Nathie Boy….Rest in Peace!